Blending smells with music being played in real time at clubs and concerts concerns a phenomenon known as aroma jockeying. This is a logical outgrowth of the need today for a a new edge of discovery, so to speak, that involves pushing the experience envelope of live entertainment to expand sight and sound to new, […]
Our Air Care Products Help Jan San Supply Houses Bloom
The diversity of customized and highly effective air freshener odor control options promises lucrative returns on investment to the jan san distributor. Quality differentiates air freshener products vying for attention within the crowded jan san market place. Managing excellence in air care is crucial to the success of any commercial enterprise because it has a rippling effect on a company’s reputation. Customers have a right to expect the delivery of superior performing products from a trusted supplier.
A consistent deodorizing experience that goes above and beyond average expectations helps to maintain both consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and reduces the risk and cost of replacing faulty dispenser and/or poor performing refills. It also serves to contribute to continued revenue and profitability.
With well over seven decades of lab and on-site/off-site testing and refinements, all of our scenting and odor neutralizing products far exceed industry standards, and have all been developed in our state-of-the-art, in-house, 85,000-square-foot Technology Center situated in suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Managed by a team of master perfumers, researchers, chemists and service specialists, our fragrance development and research hub constantly seeks innovative means to rupture the boundaries of industrial science and develop the most effective and advanced odor-control products in the world.
In addition to our popular Aroma One restroom air freshener diffuser, our Aroma Beam large area diffuser and our diverse array of trash room odor control systems, we are extremely proud to introduce our new Scentilator, the latest in our arsenal of air freshening odor neutralizing products.
More than seventy plus years of continue operations influenced the design and functionality of the Scentilator. It provides the power of cold mist scent diffusion coupled with sub-micron nano-particles, which combine to offer consistent performance for up to 90 days. It also features a proprietary internal mechanism designed exclusively for Air-Scent International.
How Does Superior Air Care Affect The Jan San Industry?
Our highly-effective commercial grade air freshening product lines support the unparalleled expansion of the jan san industry into new areas of indoor ambient scenting and air care hygiene, with a greater emphasis on effective restroom odor control solutions. No other company provides such a diverse range of customized options.
Our vast array of superior performance products conquer even the more specific and difficult demands of end user and commercial problems associated with persistent daily odors occurring everywhere. By way of example, odor that arise within the lodging industry include: tobacco smoke, pets, carpets and fabrics, floor drain treatments, urinals and toilets; trash rooms; fire and water damage and many others, all of which can be addressed with a customized odor neutralizing formulation.
Quality air-freshening and odor-control products keep interiors fresh smelling and free from nasty malodors that can erode customer loyalty, employee health and that all-important bottom line. They help to convey that vital first olfactory impression, which has a huge impact on consumer perception.
In the long run, air freshener products of inferior quality increase operational costs, as it may become necessary for a company to purchase additional goods or services to determine why they have failed. In addition, if defective products reach customers, it is the customer that will have to pay for replacements and/or returns in search of products that consistently meet their expectations.
Learn more about our Aroma One Air Freshener Dispenser!
Superior Odor Control and Consumer Demand
The demand for superior performing goods rises exponentially with increases in consumer awareness, and this may comprise of a large proportion of consumption at high dissatisfaction. Supply and demand go hand in hand and is aptly balanced by our ability to know our customers and how to fulfill their needs.
It comes down to a focus on pleasing the client and their end costumers. Although many customers appear to want to pay the lowest price, once informed and enlightened about our amazingly diverse plethora of offerings, you will be extremely pleased to find positive responses and increased purchases, loyalty and expanded applications, thus accommodating the supplier who understandably seeks to maximize profits that were otherwise being left the table.
When it comes to odor control, there are no more effective products in the market than ours, as all of our fragrance refills contain the indomitable power of Metazene, a vaporous odor neutralizing additive that kills malodors at their molecular level. We NEVER mask odors; we eliminate them and then fill the air of any interior space with the blended fragrance of your client’s choice.
Discover why Janitorial Supply Houses the world over buy Air-Scent!
What Should Jan San Supply Houses Do Next?
There’s an old saying about making hay while the sun shines. In business terms, this translates into taking advantage of the chance to do something while conditions are good. A viable business opportunity doesn’t come along every day and distributers and supply houses should consider taking action and harness their effort and energy into promoting and selling our superior jan san products.
In the end, there will be no regrets, as we stand behind all of our many creations and have done so for more than seven decades, and we have always and continue to be at the forefront of product innovations and the best products in global marketplace.
So write our team or call them today for a fresh smelling tomorrow — (412) 252-2000 !
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